Friday, May 16, 2008

is it the end?

The last week of this semester. Under the stressed feeling, everyone looks tired.
Have a dinner with friends last night, a lit bit drunk.
I like the feeling that when i feel a lit bit drunk.
The thinking is not completely clear, but make me think lots.
The end of this semester, recall the memory in the beginning of the first semester. we're more close now.

Friendship is the thing how great it is!
The language is not problem between the people who wanna be friend,isnt it?

is it the end of this blog's life?
Maybe from next week, i will not pod photo everyweek.
But i hope i could keep this blog as long as my chinese one.

Some people use blog as a fast way to become famous.
Some people use blog as a platform for communiting with the others.
Some people use blog as a professional area for knowlege.

My blog is for myself.
Just be myself.
08.5.16 9:30AM [SYD]